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IWA/CC Minutes 10-3-2012

Minutes                                 - 1 -                                  October 3, 2012

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Elizabeth Warren, Carol Heffler, John Blondin, Hugh Brower, Adam Reed, John Phillips, Barbara Kelly (arrived at 7:17)

STAFF PRESENT:          Jeff Folger, Sr. Environmental Planner
                                Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm



BONDS:  none
MINUTES:  9-19-12

Motion to:  approve the minutes from 9/19/2012
Was made by: Commissioner Blondin
Seconded by: Commissioner Reed
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

CONSERVATION COMMISSION:  (Andy Paterna from SW Food Alliance presentation.)  

Motion to:  move SW Food Alliance presentation to after the Public Hearing
Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Brower
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous

Folger reported that the last section of the boardwalk needing replacement at Donnelly will be done by scouts this coming weekend.  Use of pressure treated wood will help it last considerably longer.  More scouts are working at Wapping Park.  Projects include trail improvements and the placement of benches near the parking area.

WETLAND OFFICER’S REPORT:  Folger distributed photos and provided details from the first project completed since the approval of the Road Culvert Maintenance General Permit (8/1/2012) – two culverts on Clark St.  The approximate wetlands disturbance:  Culvert 1 - 80 sq ft upstream, 180 sq ft downstream; Culver 2 – 100 sq ft upstream, 100 sq ft downstream.  In each case the wetland disturbance was well below the threshold of 800 sq ft per culvert set at the time the General Permit was approved.

This year Folger and the Town’s Environmental Health Officer, Sherry McGann, conducted the larvacide treatment for mosquitoes for the Town.  Last year an outside contractor did five sprayings for adult mosquitoes near the ballfields at a cost of $28,000, which lasted approximately a week each time.  Starting in May this year, Folger and McGann applied a variety of larvacides to selected bodies of water adjacent to the ballfields, continuing throughout the summer. The success of the program was demonstrated when Folger visited a site for the monthly application at the beginning of August and was not bitten at all.  The program will be expanded next year.  Roger Wolfe, Mosquito Biologist with DEEP, was instrumental in advising how to create an effective program.  Folger has since received information from Mr. Wolfe about a new way to kill mosquitoes with a device invented by a high school student for a science fair.  The device utilizes low frequency sound to explode the larva’s air sack once the wand is inserted into a body of water.  Folger stated that the Agricultural Experiment Testing Station located on Burgess Road has trapped mosquitoes infected with West Nile.


Secretary Heffler read the legal notice into the record.

Appl. #12-40W – West River Farms LLC – 329 & 341 Scantic Road, East Windsor - IWA/Conservation Commission application for stormwater control structures associated with a residential development in East Windsor.  Located southerly of Scantic Rd.  Rural Residential (RR) Zone.

Joseph Capossella, Attorney, represented applicant.  The South Windsor part of the site is 17 acres, with 4.8 acres of wetlands.  The activity needing to be permitted involves 253 sq ft in the wetlands themselves and 19,591 sq ft in the upland review area.  In 2005, a wetlands permit was granted for a similar activity on this site.  The development will consist of 58 single family homes in a PRD in East Windsor.  The South Windsor section of the property involves only the drainage from the project.

Dana Steele, Professional Engineer from JR Russo, reviewed the proposed plan. The stormwater management system will be the only part of the project involving the South Windsor part of the property.   The property has frontage along the Scantic River.  The low point of the site is an existing pond located in South Windsor.  It appears to be a man made farm pond.  There is also an existing farm road dividing two wetland bodies – wetlands around the farm pond and on the other side of the farm road.  The site heads back up to a high point just to the east of the farm pond, then drops off to the edge of the embankment of the Scantic River.  The embankment is very steep with an approximate six foot drop.  The wetland line follows the embankment there, then veers off into the floodplain.  After looking at other options for the discharge of the stormwater from the site, it was determined that those were not feasible.  The proposed plan would be to use the existing farm road to cross the wetlands to the upland area where storm drainage pipe with manholes and drop structures will be installed.  The stormwater will then be discharged into a stormwater basin – a wet pond.  The wet pond, which is not in the regulated area, will retain a permanent pool of water to provide water quality treatment for the stormwater discharge. The discharge from the wet pond will be handled by cutting through the embankment and outletting right at the river elevation.  There will be a drop structure to the river bottom. The 253 square feet of wetland disturbance is along the embankment.  There is less chance of increased erosion in the future with this plan.  The disturbance in the upland review area would be caused by a pipe outlet, the emergency spillway and a gravel access maintenance road with a turnaround for basin maintenance purposes.  The Town of East Windsor or the State of Connecticut will be responsible for the maintenance of the basins.  Discussion is ongoing as to deeding the South Windsor portion and part of the East Windsor portion as open space.  A steward for the open space has not yet been determined.  The Commissioners would like a conservation easement placed on the South Windsor land if an appropriate steward is not found for the open space.

Attorney Capossella reviewed Folger’s report, stating that all issues were addressed, except #2 regarding the party responsible for maintenance of the bio-retention basin being stipulated on the plans.  This party has not yet been determined.  Attorney Capossella is working with East Windsor and the State of Connecticut on this issue.

Commissioner Kelly questioned whether two foot sumps would be sufficient for water quality treatment in the basins, or should four foot be recommended.  Mr. Steele responded that there will be a forebay in the pond which is sized to provide 10% of the water quality volume plus enough storage for five years of sediment deposits.  Kelly felt that would be sufficient as long as there are maintenance notes to check the forebay.

Folger stated that his comments were addressed sufficiently, but that we do need to know whose going to be responsible for the maintenance, that South Windsor won’t be.  Folger stated that Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer felt the design and sizing is adequate for the project, based on a brief review.  Doolittle will be providing a full report.

Wayne Chagnot from South Windsor Auto Parts stated that Schank Road is owned by the property owners of the land abutting Schank Road and each owner has responsibility for the portion in front of their property.  Mr. Chagnot said that for the past 18 years South Windsor Auto Parts being at the end of the road, has by default assumed 90% of the upkeep of the road.  He is concerned about the increased traffic from this development and who will be responsible for maintenance of the road.  Mr. Chagnot also is concerned about the additional pool of water due to the high volume of mosquitoes already in the area.  Mr. Folger stated the Mr. Chagnot also had a concern about runoff affecting the road.  Mr. Chagnot said the previous owner of proposed development site had constructed a berm on the north side of Schank Road.  Prior to the creation of the berm the runoff could go to the north and south of the road.  Over time the berm has begun slipping into the road and when it rains approximately 1/3 of the road is flooded as the runoff can no longer go north and south it can only go to the south.  Mr. Chagnot intends to direct a letter to East Windsor requesting that the berm be moved back from the road during development of the site or that in some way the drainage be improved – the flooding is causing more/faster deterioration of the road.

Attorney Capossella responded that his information is that Schank Road is owned by West River Farms LLC and that the road issue is not a matter for IWA to address.  Mr. Chagnot may have been maintaining the road but the road is part of the proposed development property.

Mr. Steele stated that they intend to eliminate the berm and create a depression area with drainage structures placed within the swale.  

John Ianni, soil scientist with Highland Soils, mapped the wetlands on this property in April 2012.  The wetlands are either wooded or overgrown fields, except for the “saddle wetlands” which are a natural drainage divide for the hillside runoff – draining it off to the north and the south in that area.  The Scantic River is a high quality wetland resource.  The proposed turnaround is right next to an old existing cart path leading to the river.  The ultimate steward of the open space will have excellent access to the river.  Not knowing the final disposition of the open space makes it difficult to determine the appropriate mitigation.  Ianni suggested that since clearing for the detention basin needs to be done, at the same time do a one time removal of the Autumn Olive and Multiflora Rose in the field (the upland area).  The Phragmites require a few years of treatments.  Removal of the Autumn Olive and Multiflora Rose might provide more benefit for the open space.  Folger is concerned with migration of the Phragmites into the basin that will be planted with a good wetland mix.  Chemical treatment of the Phragmites can be done in late October and November which is outside of the growing season of a lot of the plants that are adjacent to the Phragmites.  Mr. Steele stated that they have addressed elimination of the invasives from the pond in the maintenance schedule.

Folger responded to the issue of mosquito control by recommending the introduction of top feeding minnows once the basin is established.  The minnows are a natural predator of mosquitoes.  Folger recommended that when the basin is being excavated, ground water seepage into the basin be monitor and increased if necessary, to help maintain a level of water in the pond to support the minnows in dry seasons.  Stocking of the pond with the minnows as mosquito control should be a condition of approval.

Ianni stated that construction barrier along the side of the farm road should be used – silt fence running down a hill tends to concentrate water.  Preferably would be U-shaped check dams.  With proper erosion and sediment controls there should not be any impact to the wetlands.  Steele stated that during construction a temporary sediment basin is being proposed near the site to remove some sediment prior to being piped down to the permanent basin.

Folger stated that the erosion and sediment controls proposed will do the job of maintaining the integrity of the site; the outlet structure at river is a better idea even though it does disturb a small amount of wetlands – most prudent choice; hopes stewardship of the open space is determined because this is the best place for river access.

Phillips:  received abutters letter, does not abut the property – if used 500 ft criteria - it would just clip back portion of his property, has no interest in the development/application.

Visited property: Kelly and Brower
Visited property in 2005:  Phillips and Warren   

Motion to:  close the public hearing on appl. #12-40W at 8:43 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Brower
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion:  based on the record as a whole, move to issue a finding of no prudent and feasible alternative.
Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Kelly
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Appl. #12-40W – West River Farms LLC – 329 & 341 Scantic Road, East Windsor - IWA/Conservation Commission application for stormwater control structures associated with a residential development in East Windsor.  Located southerly of Scantic Rd.  Rural Residential (RR) Zone.

Motion to: approve Appl. #12-40W, with the following conditions:

  • The final approved copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to the Planning Department.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.
  • The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.
  • The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on October 3, 2017.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.  
  • Bonds shall be collected in the amount of $25,000.00 to ensure proper placement and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls; $50,000.00 for construction of stormwater system; $20,000.00 for removal of invasive plants.
  • All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.
  • A contact person shall be identified on the plans.
  • The property located in South Windsor must be designated as open space with an appropriate steward identified.
  • A plan for the removal of invasive plants must be submitted by the consulting biologist.  The plan must address the removal/control of Phragmites, Autumn Olive and Multiflora Rose; including mowing the woody vegetation and treating the stumps for the Autumn Olive in the upland area.  The plan must be approved by town staff.
  • Upon stabilization of the stormwater pond, the pond must be stocked with appropriate species of native minnows for the purpose of mosquito control.
  • Responsibility for basin and stormwater structure maintenance will be established that is acceptable to the Town of South Windsor.
By consensus of the Conservation Commission, a letter is to be directed to the Town of East Windsor stating concerns the Commission has regarding the disposition of the South Windsor parcel as open space versus the need of a conservation easement to protect the parcel if an appropriate steward is not identified.  The future ownership of the open space parcel is in question at this time and there is concern for the future use of this parcel.  

Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous


Andy Paterna from SW Food Alliance presentation.  Mr. Paterna shared The Alliance’s vision and goals with the Commission, as well as a draft of their Master Plan (see handout).   SW Food Alliance is a task force of local residents formed to support local farming and create new ventures to assist local farmers.  Their vision and goals: economic viability for small scale farmers and food producers, based on sustainable farming practices, provide health locally grown food for residents, develop a circular system (seeds-vegetables-waste-compost-seeds), establish a Community Garden on Town property, identify farmed Town property with signs, facilitate local farms supplying schools and restaurants with seasonal produce, support the summer Farmers’ Market, establish a winter Farmers’ Market, facilitate undeveloped parkland leases to local farmers, develop local food waste composting, develop a green roof project.  The Alliance is working with the Parks and Recreation Commission, SWALPAC and the Historical Society.  Mr. Paterna will be speaking with each Board and Commission and to the Town Council.  CT NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association) is interested in utilizing the Niederwerfer house at the Wildlife Sanctuary for displays and demonstrations.

The Conservation Commission unanimously endorsed the South Windsor Food Alliance, their vision, goals and Master Plan.  A letter will be sent to the Town Council from the Commission stating their endorsement and support.

Motion to: endorse and support the South Windsor Food Alliance
Was made by: Commissioner Brower
Seconded by: Commissioner Blondin
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous

Chairperson Warren suggested following up on the idea, first presented a few months ago, of a group of volunteers to help maintain the parks in Town.  Folger stated that a short term subcommittee, partnering with Walk & Wheelways, might be a way to accomplish this.  Each group of volunteers would be assigned a specific property to be responsible for.  The scout troops could also be involved.  The groups would do maintenance as well as report issues that need more expert attention.  Folger stated that money from the leased agricultural open space should be available soon and college interns could be hired to spend the summer going from one open space property to another, doing the light maintenance as needed.  Commissioner Brower and Commissioner Reed volunteered to be on the subcommittee.  Folger, Brower and Reed will meet to determine parameters for the subcommittee and then coordinate with the Walk & Wheelways group.

Chairperson Warren questioned what needs to be done to address the amended State regulations that went into effect on October 1, 2012.  Folger stated that the Town’s regulations are ten years old and should be reviewed so that they are not in conflict with the current State regulations.  Commissioner Kelly suggested that the Town use the State’s regulations as a model and modify them as needed to suit the Town.  Commissioners all agreed that was the best way to do it.


Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 9:27 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Blondin
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary

Approved:  November 21, 2012